The Tapping into Blog

Overwhelm Tapping Meditation Apr 11, 2019

How often do you feel Overwhelmed with life?

Do you have too much to do?

Are you taking on too much?

Have you a really high expectation of yourself?

Do you feel guilt for not being everything to everyone?

I've recorded my Overwhelm Tapping Meditation that I used in one of my workshops and the...

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Video Testimonial - Claire Dugan of Tutumbirthing Feb 18, 2019

Claire and I had a recorded chat recently to get under the skin of life before and after three Tapping & Matrix Reimprinting sessions with me. I am so struck by her recovery from severe anxiety that I just had to share it with you all.

Here’s a snapshot of some of the things she says in...

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Joshā€™s Birth Story Feb 08, 2019


Josh is 1 today, so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to share his wonderful, peaceful and healing birth story. 

In case you don’t know in Nov 2014 I gave birth to Alice (naturally) and due to complications and lack of oxygen we had to say goodbye after 5 days.


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Tapping / EFT Meditation Period Pain Relief Jan 30, 2019
Are you fed-up of having period pain every month? I was too, and having suffered debilitating endometriosis since I was 15 I know all about bad period pain. A few months ago I started to tap during bad boughts of period pain and it worked! I hadn’t tapped on physical pain before I so I was...
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Tapping / EFT Meditation - The Vulnerability of Motherhood vulnerability Jan 15, 2019

I believe vulnerability

can trigger a deep routed belief of not feeling good enough

The raw vulnerability of motherhood. Not many of us prepare for that. You know you want a baby, and to be a parent. You work hard at getting pregnant (and some of us have to work a lot harder than others...

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Tapping / EFT Meditation - Ho'oponopono - a Hawaiian Healing mantra eft emotional freedom technique hawaiian healing hawaiian healing mantra healing ho'oponopono self help tapping tapping for mums Nov 06, 2018

I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you...

I recently discovered this ancient Hawaiian healing mantra on my Birth Matrix Reimprinting training course. It really stuck with me. Every time I say it I yawn (which is my way of releasing)! All  you do is say ‘I love you,...

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