EFT Tapping to feel Grounded + Safe in my body - Script + Video

eft eft tapping grounding tapping Nov 03, 2022

A Tapping into Motherhood Member emailed me this week and said she needed some help - a tapping script to help her feel safe in her body, to help her come home and be present and grounded. So I have created and recorded this video and want to share it with everyone. Please feel free to use this often and share it with anyone who you feel needs it.

EFT Tapping to feel grounded and safe in my body

We don’t always feel safe in our bodies. With trauma, our spirit and our physical body can separate. Sometimes we can feel disconnected from our physical body. We can feel like we’ve “jumped ship”. Disassociation is when we feel split off from ourselves, we can be detached from our emotion or our bodies. This is normal, but when you manage to recognise that you don’t feel grounded, you are not really connecting with your emotions (numb) and you feel low-level anxiety a lot of the time, maybe you aren’t sleeping well either, maybe you don’t trust yourself and are looking for validation or answers externally, then this is the script to do.

Reconnecting to our bodies helps us understand ourselves better, and helps us to feel which allows us to heal. It can bring us back clarity, confidence, trust and a sense of groundedness. It allows us to feel more joy, love and peace.

As you reconnect with your body some feelings might come up, so I suggest if that happens you keep tapping, tune in to those feelings, follow where they lead you, and validate them, they may have been hidden for a long time. It is safe to look at them now, you have a safe container to process them. 

Before starting, tune into how you feel or your lack of feeling, perhaps you can connect to a void or a numbness. Where in your body is it? Give it a colour, a texture, and name that emotion if you can too and use your words instead of mine (in the setup and throughout the session). Chase this energy around your body. Rate this on a scale of 0-10 – ten not feeling safe or grounded at all.

Set up Statement: (tapping on the side of the hand)

Even though it doesn’t feel safe in my body right now, and it doesn’t feel safe to be me here in this body, I choose to love and accept my mind, body and soul anyway

Even though I am feeling numb in my body because I’ve ‘checked out’ a little, I choose to love and accept my mind, body and soul anyway

Even though it doesn’t feel safe to be me, to share my true self with those around me and the world, I choose to look at this today and bring my mind, body and soul back into alignment

Tap 5-7 times per point

Top of the Head:

I don’t feel safe

Eye Brow:

I feel scared

Side of the Eye:

I feel anxious

Under Eye:

I feel fear

Under Nose:

All this fear in my body


Something doesn’t feel right

Collar Bone/ K27:

I don’t truly know how I feel

Under Arm:

I don’t feel fully present in my body


I can’t fully connect with my body


Sometimes I don’t feel present

First finger:

I feel my mind and spirit are somewhere else

Middle finger:

I feel so disconnected

Ring Finger:

Like I’ve ‘jumped ship’

Baby Finger:

I don’t feel safe in my body right now



Top of the Head:

Something happened

Eye Brow:

Something difficult and painful

Side of the Eye:

In the past

Under Eye:

That’s caused me to disconnect

Under Nose:

It might have been a long time ago


I may have forgotten who I really am

Collar Bone/ K27:

I fear I can’t connect to the true me

Under Arm:

It doesn’t feel safe to be me


It doesn’t feel safe to share the true me


I didn’t feel safe before

First finger:

Maybe I haven’t felt safe a lot

Middle finger:

But maybe I am safe in this moment

Ring Finger:

Nothing is happening to me right now

Baby Finger:

Maybe it’s time now to feel safe


Top of the Head:

Maybe I can let my body feel safe

Eye Brow:

Maybe I can choose to let go of the fear

Side of the Eye:

And the feeling of not being safe in my body

Under Eye:

I choose now to let go of this fear

Under Nose:

Letting go of this fear that I’m not safe


Letting go of this feeling that I’m in danger

Collar Bone/ K27:

I am not in danger right now

Under Arm:

I am safe right now


I allow my body to relax and feel safe


It’s safe to feel safe

First finger:

I choose to feel safe

Middle finger:

Nothing is happening to me right now

Ring Finger:

I am safe in my body

Baby Finger:

My body is working for me


Top of the Head:

I call all my energy back into my body

Eye Brow:

Across space and time, I am home

Side of the Eye:

I am home in my body now

Under Eye:

I bless my body

Under Nose:

I honour my body


I appreciate my body

Collar Bone/ K27:

My body helps me to live my life

Under Arm:

I am so grateful to my body for that


I choose to be present in my body


I choose to be grounded in my body

First finger:

I am grounded in this present moment

Middle finger:

Its safe to feel all of my emotions

Ring Finger:

I choose love

Baby Finger:

I am love

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