Tapping / EFT Meditation for Key Workers and Front Line Staff
Jan 20, 2021
This is unprecedented times, and there are millions of keyworkers and front line staff all around the world, working long hours, working in very difficult circumstances, in challenging conditions, and seeing grief and loss on a daily basis. These key workers then go home to their families and try on some level to have a normal life - in this new world.
I appreciate every single one and I can appreciate how hard it must be. I've created this Tapping / EFT meditation to allow you to release some of the emotions that must be coming up for you right now (or have felt in recent times) - such as stress, overwhelm, sadness, vulnerability, guilt, anger, frustration and more.
This tapping video that you can follow along to, will help you release and let go of those emotions.
Tapping / EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a self-help tool that sends a signal to the amygdala in the brain which tells it its safe and stops the fight, flight, freeze response effectively reducing cortisol and adrenaline in the blood within minutes. Tapping can be used to release trauma, negative emotions, limiting beliefs and physical pains in the body.
Apologies the audio and visual are not synched 100% and I'm not sure how to fix it, so please bare with me!
What Next?
I run 'How to Tap' workshops on various themes where I can teach you and your colleagues how to do this yourself please email me for more details: [email protected]
I’ve a series of free Tapping Meditation videos you can watch on You Tube here
I run Tapping Workshops and Tapping Circles on different topics, as well as Corporate Workshops intended to teach tapping to as many people as possible. I will be launching a Pregnancy Tapping Club soon too. You can find out all about my different offerings here. If you want me to come (remotely) into your business to teach your colleagues how to tap email me here: [email protected]
If you want to take part in another replay for any of the tapping circles I’ve done before please find them in my shop here
I work one to one with clients releasing grief, trauma, negative memories, limiting beliefs and generally helping them to let go and feel much happier in themselves. You can book a session here.
Listen to my ‘Tapping into with Sarah Tobin’ Podcast - on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or via my website here.
Follow me on social media here: Instagram and Facebook and You Tube
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